
If you’ve suffered an illness, injury or a period of stress, your body needs time to recover and repair itself. Along with the right minerals and vitamins, there are some things you can do to recover faster and more completely.

Treat yourself to a good diet

A good diet is key to repairing your body and restoring energy levels. Be sure to include a wide variety of fresh, whole foods, especially fruits and vegetables, ensuring your body is fuelled with the macronutrients it needs. If your appetite isn’t strong, take smaller meals more often, and treat yourself to the things you like best. Avoid alcohol, sugar and processed foods.

You might feel too ill to exercise, but if you’re able, it’s a good idea to take a gentle walk whenever you can. It will get your circulation moving and help your body repair what isn’t working.

Sleep more, drink more

Get plenty of sleep – it’s the great healer. Take naps during the day, or whenever you feel the need. You’ll recover faster when you let your body rest.

Be sure to keep yourself hydrated – with water, not tea or coffee. Wash away the toxins of your illness, and leave your body refreshed to heal faster.

Natural health alternatives

The right minerals and vitamins may be able to act directly on your body’s affected areas to help reduce pain, alleviate symptoms and speed repair, to get you back to living your life sooner.

Not only that, but with the right vitamins and minerals you may help prevent that recurring condition from coming back.

Find out how we may be able to help you recover sooner and stay well longer. Phone 09 444 9514 or click here.


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